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Double LLC

$899+ States Filing Fees

7-10 business days

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The structure of a Double LLC is similar to that of a holding company and a subsidiary. With this setup, an LLC can be formed in a state that normally prohibits anonymity. Customers that value secrecy and take every precaution to guard their personal data often resort to this method.

When you first think about it, a company that owns another may seem like an odd strategy.In the business world, though, it is common practice. Companies own smaller companies that own other companies and so on. It's a totally legal method to safeguard your privacy, safeguard your possessions, and reduce your tax liability.

  • We provide some of the most important documents and forms for operating agreements, lease agreements, asset transfer agreements & more.


  • Prepare and File Certifacte of Formation / Articles of Organization
    This document will offically establish your LLC as a seperate entity in your state.
  • Preliminary Name Search
    Our team does an extensive name search in your state's database.
  • Draft Operating Agreement
    As part of setting up, many LLCs create an operating agreement. The operating agreement should define the structure of your company's internal operations, as well as the roles and obligations of the company's owners and members. There are numerous upsides to signing one. Drafting an operating agreement is not a required step to form your LLC, but many businesses find it is a helpful instrument and can prove an important legal document to have on record - The operation Agreement is the only contract that governs how the LLC will be managed and run. LLC without an Operating Agreement are subject to the states default rules which may or may not work for your situation.Our attorney prepared Operating Agreement is designed to be a generic LLC aggreement that covers most common provisions and will work for most businesses. If your business needs a more complex industry specific provisons, or complex ownership arrangements it is recommended that you consult with and attorney.
  • Obtain EIN Number/ Tax ID Number
    When forming your  LLC or corporation, you may be required to apply for an EIN, which is an abbreviation of Employer Identification Number. The EIN is a nine-digit number that the IRS has given to your business. The presence of even a single member necessitates it. A Federal Tax ID is another name for this number. For legal and tax purposes, every firm in the United States needs a federal tax ID number. Many of the advantages of forming an LLC won't apply if you don't have one. EIN is the social security number for the business !
  • What is an FAQ section?
    An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
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